Changing the Look of Documents

You can change how Mosaic displays and prints documents.

To change fonts and font sizes:

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.

  2. Open the Style Sheet list, and then select the style sheet you want to use.

  3. Choose the OK button.

To change link colors:

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.

  2. Choose the appropriate Set button to change the default link color and the color of visited (or clicked) links.

    Note - The color of visited links reverts to the default link color after 24 hours.

  3. Choose the OK button.

To underline hypertext links:

  1. From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.

  2. Select the Underline option to turn on underlining.

    Note - Underlining can be used to identify hypertext links on non-color displays and printers.

  3. Choose the OK button.

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